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The Weaver

“I'm the weaver of your dreams - I get rid of your bogeyman I'm here to smash the shell you're under An' get you into another thing - I'm the weaver of your dreams - I put paid to the rocketman I'm here to break the spell you're under And get you started with another plan” - Paul Weller, The Weaver

One of the hardest things I’ve had to learn is to admit that I am an artist. For years I made excuses and hid behind a busy schedule, lack of funds, and the story that my art wasn’t “good enough”.

And then one day a friend took me to a workshop. The workshop was designed to simply allow participants to tap into their souls and be creative in the moment. For three hours we glued and glittered and painted our hopes and dreams onto canvas. In that space of unfettered creativity, with no judgement, no guidance, no critique, I felt something awaken in me that hadn’t been there for years. The need to make art, to simply live in the moment and let my inner kindergartner glue spangles on a board, to paint or draw or mold something with my hands with no other purpose than to just do it.

What I felt, and what I awakened in that session, transformed my life.

I committed time and space for creativity in my schedule. I set up a studio filled with sparkles and light, and I realized my gift was to share this experience with others, so they too could feel the trans-formative power of letting go of their inhibitions and creating for the sake of creation.

I’ve since come to strongly believe that creating and building things is inherently divine. We are one with the forces of nature and the universe when we free our minds and allow the powers of being present and being purposeful to wash over us.

I divide my time between my home in rural Iowa and my other home in Chicago. I create space and opportunity for people who are stuck, searching, or in need of a creative outlet, to join me in both locations, for a variety of activities that include vision board workshops, plein air adventures, creative retreats, and exhibition opportunities.

Nothing brings me more joy, and inherent satisfaction, than seeing someone who has never thought of themselves as ”artistic” or “creative” pick up a brush or build a collage for the very first time. By making space and creating the atmosphere that allows someone to tap into their creative energy, something we all possess, I know I am giving a gift that will continue to give. My work also supports those who already lead a creative life but are feeling like they need new energy or a new direction. Both the inexperienced and the accomplished are welcome in my studio, both have something to learn and to gain from the experience.

Stop by sometime and join me for a retreat or a studio day – a full list of workshops and events are available at my farmhouse website ( I am also always looking for collaboration opportunities with healers, movement specialists, and intuitive facilitators - so feel free to get in touch at

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